21-22 Keyboard Club Members!

Meet some of our 21-22 Keyboard Club Members:

Name: Tom

Year: Reception

Favourite Song: “The wheels on the bus”

Favourite Colour: “blue”

Why did you want to join Keyboard Club? “Because I love learning the notes with the keyboard”

Name: Beau

Year: One

Favourite Song: “Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen (I call it Mamamia)”

Favourite Colour: “blue”

Why did you want to join Keyboard Club? “Because I want to learn about the keyboard”

Name: Lucy

Year: One

Favourite Song: “‘Barking at the Moon’ from the Bolt movie”

Favourite Colour: “yellow”

Why did you want to join Keyboard Club? “Because I like playing the keyboard”

Keyboard Club Performance Filmed due to COVID-19

On Friday 13th March the Balfour Infants Keyboard Club were due to perform “The Paratrooper” – a piece they had been working hard on all term. This was to be their first performance in a school Celebration Assembly too, so we were all very excited!

Unfortunately due to the ‘social distancing’ required by the COVID-19 pandemic the assembly was cancelled, and the school was closed at the end of that day until further notice.

Fortunately however, we filmed the performance that the Keyboard Club were going to make at our club session the day before – we were a few members down due to the pandemic, but here are Ethan, Amreen, Mariam, Poppy and Leo performing “The Paratrooper”.

Sound Roots